18 Things To Know About PERU Before Visiting In 2024

Things To Know About PERU

Let’s get started with things to know about Peru before reaching there. Today, we’ll explore Peru, a South American country with over 34.19 million people and an area of 496,244 square miles. It is a densely populated South American country with Andean societies dating to 9000 BC. Its famous legacies include the remnants of the … Read more



As we go farther across the world and arrive in Argentina in South America, amazement and surprise are in store for us. Here are 16 amazing facts about Argentina. Learn a little Spanish so you can appreciate this nation of rich culture, sports, and gastronomy! Argentina is a country rich in natural monuments, cultural heritage, … Read more

Luxury Hotels in Peru 2023: Experience Opulence at the Top 10 Unique Retreats

Luxury Hotels in Peru

After Brazil and Argentina, Peru is the third-largest country in South America. we’ll be ranking our top 10 unique and luxury hotel experiences in this vibrant and diversified country. From the mysterious Machu Picchu to the modest Punta Heramosa, it is the place for spectacular sights, a dynamic culture, and an unmatched rich history. LUXURY … Read more

10 Amazing Facts About Colca Canyon

Facts About Colca Canyon

Welcome to a captivating journey as we uncover Facts About Colca Canyon,  one of the world’s deepest and most visually stunning canyons. Located in Southern Peru, Colca Canyon is a geological wonder with a depth of 3,270 meters. This makes it twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. The canyon’s spectacular landscapes, rich history, and … Read more