18 Things To Know About PERU Before Visiting In 2024

Let’s get started with things to know about Peru before reaching there. Today, we’ll explore Peru, a South American country with over 34.19 million people and an area of 496,244 square miles. It is a densely populated South American country with Andean societies dating to 9000 BC. Its famous legacies include the remnants of the Nazca and Inca eras. The country was ruled by Spain from the 16th century and gained independence in 1879. Today, it has a multi-ethnic population. We have compiled an amazing list of 18 Peru things to know in 2024 so that you can enjoy it at your maximum.

18 Things to know about Peru:

The best things to know about Peru in 2024 are 1 Tourism and Economy Status 2 New Seven Wonders of the World 3 The Incas Heritage 4 Spanish Conquest 5 Weather Changing 6 Most expensive hotels 7 Peru Transportation 8 Traditional Peruvian Foods 9 SkyLodge Adventure Suites 10 Sakura Desert Facts and Nazca Lines 11 Fiber, Colors, and Andean Heritage 12 Popular Sports 13 Airplane Crash 14 Peruvian Poncho 15 The Incas Heritage 16 Alberto Fujimori President 17 Krasinski’s Resignation and Corruption 18 Sacred Valley Airport

Geography of Peru

It is a highly biodiverse country with three distinct geographic zones, each with a unique fauna and flora. The Andes mountain range dominates the country’s length, parallel to the Pacific Ocean on the west. The jungle covers 60% of Peru’s landmass and is a part of the Amazon rainforest. This narrow section is mostly suitable for desert bike number two.

Map Of Peru

Mapa del Peru

The Incas/ The Incas Heritage 

Peruvians had deep connection to the Inca legacy; they take great pride in the surviving remnants of the Inca culture. The Incas were a powerful nation that began as a small group of caverns and gradually expanded their territory. In the middle of the fifteenth century, they gained massive amounts of land after conflicts with neighboring groups. 

Their capital was Cusco, and the Andean region served as their center of power. The Incas Worshiped the Sun God. Millions of people lived under Inca rule, creating a society characterized by law and order. Numerous buildings were constructed, the remnants of which can still be seen today. 

Weather In Peru

Completely reversed seasons! Visitors from the US should plan this trip. June is our summer, with nearly 90 degrees in July and a heat wave. The weather here varies due to its southern hemisphere position in South America. There can be a big change in weather when going to Cusco. Cusco is in the Andes, where it is cold without the sun.

The Spanish Conquest Of Peru

The Spanish conquest of South America permanently changed the region in the 1500s. The Spanish galleons started to arrive in the region as the Spaniards searched for land and resources. The Inca were ultimately defeated in December 1530, and the Spanish took control and colonized the area. 

Spanish Conquest

Lima is the capital of this country to this day. Ethnic populations of the region tragically died in large numbers as a result of the fighting, forced labor, and diseases that arrived with the Spanish conquistadors with the discovery of gold and silver.

The Spanish set up mines when there weren’t enough native inhabitants to work in the mines. They brought in slaves from Africa. The people of this country were forced to convert to Catholicism at the request of their relatives.

Important Part of Peru Tourism and Economy

The economy of Peru, after gaining independence from Spain, had to deal with declining silver and gold production. There were also years of internal strife among the former Spanish colonies over the territory before there was any stability and a chance to rebuild the country.

work and travel peru

Today, it has one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Its economy is dominated by the services sector, which includes hospitality and tourism. Visitors are drawn to the area by the Inca and other civilizations’ archaeological remains. 

Most Expensive Hotels In Peru

Expensive hotels can set travelers back around $402 per night; one of Peru’s most opulent hotels is the Tambo del Inca. Located in the Sacred Valley, which is a part of the Andes Mountains and roughly 12 miles north of Cusco, the ancient Incan capital, the hotel provides easy access to some of the most 

             Most expensive hotels In Peru     

well-known tourist destinations here. Large picture windows at Tambo del Inca give visitors sweeping views of the striking surroundings, and the sacred valley offers a variety of lodging choices. The largest spa in the region is located in this hotel, making it ideal for visitors looking to indulge while taking in the local way of life.

More Here: Top Luxury Hotels in Peru

Peru Airplane Crash (1987)

An entire football team, support staff, and spectators were killed in an airplane crash into the Pacific Ocean on December 8, 1987, when the 38 passengers and 6 crew members. Only the pilot survived as he conducted a flyby after the control tower gave the all-clear and told them to land the plane.

But as they approached the runway for the landing, the plane crashed into the ocean. It wasn’t until 2006,  the public learned that the crash was caused by defective mechanics and a pilot’s mistake. 

Controversy Over The Sacred Valley Airport

Many are opposing the construction of an airport near the sacred valley, which could allow up to six million people to land at Peru’s top traveling destination. Opponents of the development argue that the location may yield archaeological treasures that could reveal the area’s past and become tourist attractions.Sacred Valley Airport

Although the area of Chanchito is not thoroughly explored, it contains imperial buildings and other structures. Experts urge the Peruvian government to balance progress with preserving and studying the past.

The Controversial Legacy Of Alberto Fujimori President 

From 1990 to 2000, former President Alberto Fujimori was accused of corruption and human rights violations. In 2003, he was impeached in absentia, arrested in Chile in 2005, and sentenced to 25 years in prison for crimes, including murder. In 2009, his family sought a presidential pardon based on his ill health, which President Jana granted on December 20.

Most Popular Sports In Peru

Soccer is the most popular sport in this country, with many prominent club and league games and well-attended finals. The national team has participated in the FIFA World Cup five times. Peru is represented at the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. They have won Copa America twice. They are gaining popularity in Taekwondo and enjoying surfing at the beach.Peru Popular Sports

SkyLodge Adventure Suites

To experience the beauty of the sacred valley, consider staying at the Sky Lodge. Adventure Suites, glass pods on a cliff overlooking it. Guests must climb 1,300 feet up the cliff face to reach their accommodations, then zipline down to the base of the cliff.

With four beds, a dining area, and a private bathroom, each pod offers a unique experience not found in other pods. Interestingly, pod and capsule hotels can be found in Tokyo, where the notion originated.

Peru Alpaca: Fiber, Colors, and Andean Heritage

Around 75% of the world’s alpacas, a South American camel, stay in here. They should not be confused with the llama. Alpacas, smaller than llamas, are farmed in the Andes Mountains for their fibers, which are similar to sheep’s wool and used in textile production worldwide. Alpaca fiber has 52 natural shades in Peru and is closely related to llamas and the vicuna, the wild ancestor of alpacas. 

Mysteries of Nazca Lines and Sakura Desert

The area has several tourist attractions, including the Nazca lines, which are geoglyphs with over 70 animal and human patterns, best observed from above. Geoglyphs were created using over 10,000 lines, some of which were 30 miles long. The purpose of these lines remains a mystery.

Nazca Lines

Some say they are astral charts, while others think they are evidence of aliens landing on Earth. Nazca people employed the Sakura Desert, where the world’s tallest dune, El Blanco, stands at 3,860 feet tall and is famous among visitors.

Krasinski’s Resignation and a Pledge Against Corruption

By July 2018, Peru had a new president, Pedro Pablo Krasinski, who resigned abruptly due to corruption allegations. He resigned in expectation of impeachment proceedings against first vice president Martin Vez. After being sworn in as president, Cara is expected to serve until 2021, when Krasinski’s term ends.

Despite calls for new elections, he has pledged to continue corruption investigations and end illegal practices. He is supported by loyalists of former president Alberto Fujimori.

New Seven Wonders Of The World

Seven Wonders of the World

Peru is home to Machu Picchu, one of the new seven wonders of the world announced in 2007. Located on a mountain ridge in the sacred valley, the site requires hiking, a guide, and a bus commute to reach. Visitors can appreciate the effort put into building the settlement so high up in the mountains by hand. 

Traditional Peruvian Foods

Visitors may be surprised to learn that guinea pigs, commonly known as pets, are a delicacy in Peru and are called Qui. On special occasions, the menu includes roasted chicken, presented with its head and feet intact, similar to drinks. It has a national drink called pisco sour, created with grape brandy, sugar water, egg whites, lemons, ice, and bitters. In Luxor, the pisco sour is wonderful and forceful, that concludes here.

Airport Transportation

The airport is easily accessible via Uber. Cost very based on the distance, but a roughly estimated cost is $5. Uber gets you anywhere from the airport. Traffic is heavy, particularly in Lima, but public transport is available. You can benefit from it!

Peruvian Poncho

Peruvian ponchos are designed for longevity. The traditional Peruvian attire includes the hand-woven and hand-dyed poncho, which can take 500-600 hours to construct. As an adult, one receives a new poncho.

Peruvian Poncho

Final Suggestions

In summary, things to know about Peru; when preparing for a trip involves embracing a fascinating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu to the delectable cuisine, Peru offers a unique and unforgettable experience. So, as you embark on your adventure to this South American gem, be ready to be captivated by Peru’s endless wonders and warm hospitality.

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