What Is Unique About The Gobi Desert (2024)

Before we start, what is unique about the Gobi desert?  Just a brief overview of the people who live in the deserts. All land on earth is as dangerous to life as the highest peak or the coldest glacier.  But in these harsh and barren wastelands, people live with the help of nature. The desert has been flexible and resourceful since its inception. They developed unique cultures and deep spiritual relationships with these barren lands. But the modern world of commerce and industry is taking over the desert, claiming to replace its resources.

What is unique about the Gobi desert?

1-Extreme Days and Chilly Nights 2. Largest Desert 3. Bottom Of An Extinct Ocean 4. Gobi’s Evolution 5. Grassy Landscapes 6. Camel Transport 7. Tiny Animals 8. Yolyn Am Canyon

Earth’s Fifth Largest Desert

The Gobi Desert, the fifth largest desert on Earth, stretches from southern Mongolia to northern China and features a distinctive landscape of rock, stone, and sand. There are some amazing landscapes in Mongolia, like Gal Chulu. the flaming cliffs, where bird’s nests were dug out of the sandstone walls and dinosaur skeletons from multiple species were found.

Also Read: WAO Fun Facts About the Gobi Desert

History in the Gobi: Flaming Cliffs and Dinosaur Discoveries

This cliff landscape was once the bottom of an extinct ocean; when its waters receded, red sandstone showed in the daylight. Dinosaurs lived here for 60 million years before going extinct, though it is still unknown why they disappeared.

The Gobi’s Evolution

The Gobi Desert is not what one may think of as a typical desert; rather, it is better described as a semi-desert or to be more precise, a desert savannah. Here, life is possible, and the water holes never completely dry out. 

 The primeval landscape, as if from a picture book, remote eternal land, with striking geological features, is typical of the Gobi Desert. The saxol is a salt-resistant bush that is excellent for stabilizing soil and providing wind protection.

The Gobi’s Ever-Changing Climate: Extreme Days and Chilly Nights

The Gobi Desert has an extreme climate during the day, it can get very hot, and at night, it can get very cold. Nevertheless, both plant and animal life have adapted to the harsh environment, and humans have also found a way to survive it.

Especially difficult are the chilly, dry winters, so the herds need to be properly cared for. Warm, rainy days encourage growth and the desert begins to blossom in the spring, when the expansive hill landscape is quite beautiful and far from being a desert. However, the herds of goats here are quite destructive and eat the grass down to the roots. It is home to bushes, grasses, and wildlife that have adapted to the extreme temperature changes and arid climate.

A Region Of Grassy Landscapes

The green belt lies in front of the 120-kilometer-long sand dune, which resembles a Fata Morgana. The gobi is a region of diverse grass landscapes. It also includes the massive Congress Else Sand Dune, which is located in a long valley between two mountain ranges.

The camel has become a common domestic animal here; it is bred from wild camels that should be found in small, well-protected herds. 

Camel Transport

Until a few decades ago, camel caravans were the only means of transporting goods over long distances through regions that had no water. Here, there are numerous large sandy areas that are perforated with plant life.

Flora and fauna

There are also both narrow and wide valleys that contain water. A small congo watercourse nourishes both flora and fauna. However, only 3% of the desert is made up of sand dunes. Sometimes water shortage also affects the Gobi Desert animals.

Gobi’s Hidden Treasures: Tiny Animals, Sacred Stones, and More


This area is now protected because of the value placed on the magnificent natural environment that can be found here. People have felt the spirit of the gods and their ancestors here for eons, and this remote place is also home to tiny animals that provide tasty morsels for the vultures. Occasionally, we come across sacred piles of stone, and the local vultures have left bones scattered around them. Even in the summer, the sunlight cannot reach this location.

Yolyn Am Canyon: A Natural Gem in the Gobi Desert

The Yolyn Am Canyon of Vultures is one of the most well-known canyons in the Gobi Desert. Although it can be traversed by horseback in its initial section, as it gets narrower, one can only go on foot. A small mountain river meanders between the narrow breech and the massive stones, until the canyon opens up again.

Magic of the Gobi Desert

The rocky canyons and tiny streams in this area show that the Gobi desert formerly had a thick vegetation cover. Vibrant flowers pop through the layer of tiny stones and appear in unexpected places, giving the impression of magic. It is a living wonder of the planet, and it is widely acknowledged as such. 

Final Takeaways

That is all about what is unique about the Gobi desert. Recommended to visit and know about the more unique things about this place. Also Read: Asia’s Largest Desert 

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